Shopping Tips For Golfers This Black Friday

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have the opportunity to get a glimpse of a few great products and even some golf swing tips you won’t enjoy elsewhere.

Black Friday is a great day to upgrade your golf set. Not only can you get clubs, bags, balls, apparel, and other accessories at discounted prices, but you’ll also have the opportunity to get a glimpse of a few great products and even some golf swing tips you won’t enjoy elsewhere.

Still, you shouldn’t make your purchases blindly. Otherwise, you’ll end up overexerting your wallet. So before you go clicking that Add-to-Cart button, best read the tips below first.

Check Pre-Black Friday Pricing

A lot of sellers don’t really lower their products’ prices on Black Friday. Instead, they simply replace the tags with different ones (with the price staying the same). In other cases, they’ll raise the prices days before the sale, then lower it to its nearer the fair market value after Thanksgiving.

So before buying your golfing gear on Black Friday, better research the pricing of your target products prior to the sale. Set price alerts on the clubs, bags, and accessories you’re looking for. That way, you can find exact matches or similar products. Also, learn how to spot sudden price hikes to avoid falling for fake deals.

Know Price Matching Policies

Price matching has become increasingly important for many traditional retail stores. However, may sellers avoid doing this on Black Friday, arguing that clearance sales should be exempted from such adjustments.

Don’t assume every store does price matching, especially if you want to get new golf equipment. Visit their website and read the fine print in their disclosure statement to see their price matching policies during Black Friday. You should check their ads and flyers as well, to see which products are subjected to matching. Certain retailers require documented proof of price discrepancy to implement the adjustment, so best have your phone on hand to show it.

Research Return Policies and Fees

At the same time, you need to know the return policies and restocking fees (if any) of the retailers you’ll go to. Many stores will allow you to return products, and they’ll even give you credit card chargebacks or store credits (if not full refunds). However, the package must be returned within a set amount of days, and it has to remain unopened. But during Black Friday, some retailers tend to loosen up their return policies, as well as waive any restocking fees that come with it.

Keep this in mind when you’re buying new golfing gears and equipment during the sale. Either you research the stores’ return policies beforehand, or you ask about it once you’re at their premises.

Follow Sellers on Social Media

To check if your favorite retailer is offering discounts on Black Friday, you need to follow them on their social media handles. This allows you to stay up to date regarding the deals you can enjoy during the sale, which products will be exempted from price cuts, a couple of useful golf swing tips, and more.

Luckily, finding a golf retailer’s social media handle is easy to do. In this day and age, most businesses have accounts to most of the major social networks, particularly Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Just pick which account to follow. For example, if you’re an avid Twitter user yourself, then better follow your favorite golf store there.

Bookmark Their Websites

You probably did this already, but you should bookmark your favorite retailers’ websites in case you haven’t yet. That way, you’ll be able to visit the stores’ web pages without having to Google or type it on search bars.

While you’re at it, make sure you give each bookmark a great name. You can even add a brief description to each label. For example, try “Best Golf Drivers” for stores that sell the drivers you’re planning to buy. Moreover, you can organize your bookmarks by putting them all in one folder. So whenever you need to view the age, you simply need to click on the folder to get the link.

Subscribe to Their Newsletters

While following golf stores on social media helps you stay updated on their upcoming activities for Black Friday, not everything will be shared in their posts. Understand that they’re leaving out some information on purpose, since it’s one of their ways to get you to subscribe to their newsletters.

So indulge them and sign up to their monthly newsletters. Aside from the golf swing tips and other additional info you’ll get, you might also end up with premium deals for their golf clubs and other equipment. And to avoid their newsletters cluttering your inbox, best subscribe using a burner email address made for that very purpose.

Create an Itinerary

Two more things before stepping out of your house to buy golf equipment. The first of these is to plan your itinerary for Black Friday. Chances are, you’ll visit more than one golf store during the sale, and that’s not even mentioning the other retailers you’ll randomly check out. By creating a schedule, you’ll be able to save time as well as give each store equal attention.

When creating an itinerary, start with the stores nearest the entrance (or your point of entry). Then work your way from there and visit the retailers next to the first one. To avoid spending before you buy golf gears, better eat a big breakfast beforehand. That way, you won’t be tempted to eat while you’re shopping.

Make a Buying List

Secondly, you should make a list of the golf clubs, bags, and other accessories you’re planning to buy. Like the itinerary above, this will help you save time. And it will help you stick within a budget you set beforehand.

Make sure the list comes with the prices for each item. You should also include a substitute product in case your first choice is unavailable or sold out. And do your best to avoid making impulse purchases unless your budget can still handle them.

Buy Using Rewards Credit Cards

Finally, you should take your rewards credit card with you on Black Friday (if you have one). Unlike typical cards, rewards credit cards have the potential to give big payouts for certain purchases. For example, Chase Freedom Flex gives you up to 5% cash back for purchases worth $1,500 (that’s $75 saved).

However, keep in mind that perks for rewards credit cards vary depending on the provider. Moreover, flat-rate cash back cards tend to offer superior benefits. Plus, these types of discounts aren’t always guaranteed.

Shop Wisely on Black Friday

Black Friday is a great day to buy not only golf equipment, but also to get other necessities and hear good golf swing tips. By following the tips listed above, you’ll be able to grab the best golf clubs, apparel, and other stuff you’ll need for your next game.

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