13 Easy Putting Tips Golf Beginners Should Try Out

putting tips golf

Wants to level up your putting ability? Then this article is definitely for you! Below, Let’s Golf Better has gathered 13 putting tips golf beginners and high handicappers will find useful at the golf course.

With these easy tricks, you’ll boost your putting performance like crazy in no time! Buckle up and let’s go!

Tip # 1: Use the Right Putter

First, let’s talk about the two main equipment you’ll need: the right putter and a good putting mirror.

There are many reasons why so most golfers put so much emphasis on having the right putter. For starters, it can significantly affect your stroke, accuracy, and consistency. And if the putter suits your putting style and it feels comfortable in your hands, it can help you make more putts and improve your overall performance on the green.

5 Tips to Choose the Right Putter for You

  1. Know your putting style. Determine whether you prefer a straight-back-straight-through or an arching putting stroke. This will help you choose the right putter design that suits your putting style.
  2. Determine your bad putting habits. Check for bad habits when you putt, such as missing putts on the right or left side. This can help you choose the golf club that can helps you correct those tendencies.
  3. Choose the right length. Pick a putter that feels comfortable and suits your height and posture. The length of the putter can affect your stance and balance on the green.
  4. Look for the right putter head shape. Consider the putter head’s, whether it’s blade or mallet. Blade putters offer more control and feel, while mallet putters are more forgiving and offer better alignment aids.
  5. Test the putter. Before buying a putter, test it out to see how it feels in your hands and how the putter head performs on the green. Make sure it feels comfortable and suits your putting style and tendencies.

Tip # 2: Invest in a Good Putting Mirror

Other than the right putter, a good putting mirror is essential if you want to improve your putting game. It helps you check your alignment, posture, and eye position, which are crucial for making accurate putts. It also provides instant feedback, allowing you to identify and correct any flaws in your putting strokes.

5 Things to Consider When Buying Putting Mirrors

  1. Size and shape. Choose a mirror that is large enough to see your entire setup, including your feet, golf ball, and putter. Consider its shape, whether it’s rectangular or circular, and choose one that suits your preferences.
  2. Quality and durability. Look for a high-quality mirror made from durable materials that won’t scratch or break easily. A good quality mirror will last longer and provide more accurate feedback.
  3. Alignment aids. Pick a mirror with alignment aids, such as lines or dots, to help you line up your putts accurately. This feature can be useful for golfers who struggle with alignment.
  4. Portability. If you plan to use the mirror for practice on the go, choose a lightweight and portable mirror that is easy to carry and transport.
  5. Budget. As with golf putters, putting mirrors come in a range of prices. So consider your budget when choosing one. Look for a mirror that offers good value for money, with features that suit your needs and preferences.

So now that we covered the equipment, let’s move on to the actual putting tips golf beginners and high handicappers should know.

Tip # 3: Grip Your Putter Properly

Gripping your putter properly is crucial for making consistent and accurate putts. A proper grip helps you control the putter face and maintain a square face at impact, leading to precise shots. It also promotes a smooth and fluid putting stroke, ensuring a consistent and repeatable motion. In contrast, improper grip can lead to inconsistent putts and poor performance on the green.

5 Tips to Grip Your Putter Properly

  1. Place your hands in a neutral position. Position your hands so that your palms face each other and the putter handle rests diagonally across your fingers.
  2. Overlap or interlock your fingers. Choose a grip style that feels comfortable for you, such as overlapping or interlocking your fingers. This will help you control the putter and maintain a square face at impact.
  3. Keep your grip pressure consistent. Hold the putter with a light grip pressure to deliver smooth and fluid putting strokes. Avoid gripping the putter too tightly, which can lead to tension ands inconsistent putts.
  4. Align your hands with the putter face. Ensure that your hands are aligned with the putter face, so the face stays square to the target throughout the stroke.
  5. Maintain a consistent grip. Keep your grip consistent throughout the stroke, from address to impact and follow-through. A consistent grip helps you control the putter and maintain accuracy and consistency in your putting game.

Tip # 4: Keep Your Wrists Stable

Like gripping your club properly, keeping your wrists stable is also important for making consistent and accurate putts. A stable wrist ensures that the putter face stays square to the target throughout the stroke. Unstable wrists can lead to inconsistency in the putting stroke, causing the putter face to open or close at impact and resulting in missed shots. By keeping your wrists stable, you can improve your putting accuracy and consistency on the green.

Tip # 5: Practice With Both Hands

Putting with both your right and left hand can help improve not only your putting performance, but your overall golf game as well. It strengthens your non-dominant hand, promoting a more balanced and symmetrical stroke. It also improves your hand-eye coordination, allowing you to better control the club face and maintain a square face at impact. Practicing with right or left hand can also help you overcome putting challenges and lead to more consistent and accurate putts on the green.

Tip # 6: Keep Your Eyes On the Golf Ball

Among the putting tips golf beginners hear, keeping your eye on the golf ball is one of the most common. That’s because doing so helps you maintain good posture, alignment, and a consistent putting stroke. Focusing on the ball throughout the stroke also ensures that the putter face stays square to the target, leading to more accurate and consistent putts. And not following this rule can lead to wrong alignment and inconsistent strikes, resulting in missed putts.

Tip # 7: Use Your Dominant Eye

Using your dominant eye while putting is essential to achieve solid putting mechanics. Your dominant eye is responsible for most of your depth perception, which is crucial for judging distance and aligning your putts accurately. Focusing with your non-dominant eye can lead to poor alignment and inaccurate putts. By using your dominant eye, you can improve your putting accuracy and consistency, leading to better performance on the green.

Tip # 8: Keep Your Head Still

Like the other putting tips golf beginners will find on this list, keeping your head still is important if you want to practice putting more effectively. It ensures that your eyes stay aligned and trained on the golf ball, as mentioned above. Moving your head during the putting stroke can cause your eyes to lose focus on the ball, leading to poor alignment and inconsistent strikes. In short, by keeping your head still, you can improve your putting skills.

Tip # 9: Focus on a Small Target

Focusing on a small target can help new or high handicap golfers deliver a straight putt more efficiently. A small target, such as a specific point on the hole or a blade of grass, allows you to aim with more precision, avoid distractions, and enjoy better distance control. By focusing on a small target, golfers can also visualize the path of the ball and adjust their stroke accordingly. This level of focus can have a big difference on amateur golfers like you, as it can help them become better putter.

Tip # 10: Find a Comfortable Stance

Maintaining a comfortable stance while putting is crucial for golfers to achieve better strokes. A comfortable stance ensures that your body is properly aligned with the target line and the putter face, allowing for a smooth and natural stroke. Additionally, a comfortable stance helps you maintain balance and stability, which are essential for making putts more consistently. Overall, a comfortable stance can make all the difference in a golfer’s putting performance.

Tip # 11: Use a Consistent Pace

Maintaining a consistent pace is another great one of those putting tips golf players should try out. Doing so allows you to develop a better feel for the speed of the putt, as well as make precise adjustments on your target line based on the distance and slope of the green. It also helps you maintain your rhythm and avoid rushing or decelerating your golf swing, which can lead to inconsistent results. By maintaining a consistent pace, you can improve your putting practice and reduce the number of strokes you make on the green.

Tip # 12: Control Your Speed

Better speed control is also essential for achieving accuracy and success on the green. You must consider factors such as the slope, break, and distance to the hole when controlling your putt speed. A putt that is hit too hard may overshoot the hole, while one that is hit too softly may fall short. Proper speed control can make all the difference in a your ability to sink a hole and lower your overall score.

Tip # 13: Have a Pre-Shot Routine

Developing a pre-shot routine before putting can has helped many golfers perform better on the green. Through it, you can prepare yourself physically and mentally for the putt, as well as take into account factors like aim, grip, and stance. It can also allow you to establish a consistent rhythm and reduce nerves and distractions. By developing a pre-shot routine, you can improve your focus, reduce mistakes, and ultimately improve you overall performance.

5 Tips When Making a Pre-Putting Routine

  1. Be consistent. Your pre-putting routine should be the same for every putt, regardless of distance or difficulty. This consistency will help you establish a rhythm and feel comfortable on the green.
  2. Visualize your putt. Take a few moments before your stroke to visualize the line of your putt and the ball rolling towards the hole. This will help increase your accuracy and confidence.
  3. Focus on your breath. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly to help calm your nerves and focus your mind. This will help you feel more relaxed and in control of your stroke.
  4. Practice your grip and stance. Take some practice strokes to help you correct common golf grip mistakes and establish a comfortable grip and stance. This will help you feel more confident in your stroke and avoid mistakes.
  5. Check your alignment. Before making your stroke, check your alignment to ensure that your body is properly aligned with the target and the putter face. This will help you avoid mis-hits and achieve greater accuracy on the green.

Develop Better Putting Habits By Trying These Tips

In golf, putting is important because it accounts for a significant portion of your overall score. Through making consistent, accurate putts, you can reduce the number of strokes needed to roll the ball into the hole.

So whether you want to become the Phil Mickelson of your town or you just want to have fun, strive to make better putts on the greens. By following the 13 tips we listed above, you can do just that!

So what are you waiting for? Bring your best putters to your favorite golf course and start trying out these moves!

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